Welcome Post

Welcome Post

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


For my second Web 2.0 tool review. I researched another tool that could be used with my Action Research Topic the Potential Applications of Digital Storytelling in Education through the use of Video Games.

Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. It is easy to use and the visual effect of the words leaves a powerful image almost like poetry for the eyes.

The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. As you can see these word were taken from my personal Blog about my Summer experience with my Son Chaz and our Trip to Egypt.


I feel that Wordle is a key 2.0 web tool because of its presence, modification based on code, the opportunity for user-generated content, and social participation through the display of projects created in the Gallery.

You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like.

You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends. The images created can be used for T-shirt logos or to gain profit.

Wordle uses the number of times a word appears in a text to determine its relative size. By default, Wordle strips numbers from the text before drawing. See the “Language” menu to change that setting.


Nicole said...

I forgot about Wordle! I remember talking about it in MLR and haven't used it since! Thanks for the reminder.

Shana Sanders said...

I think that Wordle is awesome, It makes chaos cool. I think that it has a modern approach to get a point across. To me it is kinda unique because it makes you focus on a primary word and you don't even realize it until later.